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Three Tips to Maintain YourBHeart® Brazilian Butt Lift Results

By: Dr. Brian Hwang


Once you see your stunning new curves taking shape after yourBHeart® Brazilian butt lift (BBL), you may never want to lose them. Fortunately, the results of a BHeart® BBL at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA can last for years or even decades, but there are some things you’ll need to know to maintain your newly enhanced look for as long as possible. In this blog, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Brian Hwang provides three helpful tips for preserving —and possibly prolonging — the outcome of your BBL surgery.

What’s the purpose of a BBL?

Brazilian butt lift surgery is primarily used to enhance the size, shape, curves, and other characteristics of a person’s buttocks through the strategic transfer of fat. With a BHeart® BBL, patients can reduce unwanted fat in their problem areas and have it transferred to their backside to make popular aesthetic enhancements, like trimming the waist and accentuating the butt. In many cases, patients turn to BBL surgery to achieve a look that is notoriously challenging to get through diet and exercise alone — like a snatched waist, a “bubble butt,” or an hourglass figure.

How long do BBL results last?

The results of your BHeart® BBL in West Hills, CA can last for years or much longer in some cases, though you may notice subtle changes as a result of the natural aging process. To keep your results consistent and long-lasting after your BHeart® BBL, use these three helpful tips:

1. Avoid weight fluctuations: Gaining or losing weight can have a significant impact on your BBL results, both in the buttocks as well as the areas where liposuction was performed. While weight gain after a BBL may cause the buttocks to become larger than you desire due to the enlargement of the transferred fat cells, losing weight after a BBL can have the opposite effect: reducing your butt size and effectively “undoing” your BBL. There’s no question that maintaining a consistent, stable weight is one of the keys to preserving your BHeart BBL results.

2. Choose healthy habits: Smoking, a poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle can all have an adverse effect on your overall health, your weight, and even your BBL results. Instead, maintain a healthy lifestyle by saying no to smoking, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and minimizing your consumption of caffeine and alcohol.

3. Protect your skin: The progression of skin laxity can cause your buttocks to become saggy or wrinkled, making it important to keep the skin moisturized, wear sunscreen, and avoid direct sun exposure.

Am I a good candidate for BBL surgery?

- Ideal candidates for a BHeart® Brazilian butt lift should be:

- At or near their goal weight

- Have enough fat available elsewhere on the body for transfer

- Desire a more natural alternative to butt implants

- In good health

- Nonsmoker

To find out whether you may qualify for the cutting-edge BHeart® BBL, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Hwang.

Love your curves with a BHeart BBL in West Hills, CA

If you find yourself envying the curvy, sexy figures of your favorite influencers but can’t seem to achieve that hourglass figure on your own, we can help. Find out more about the stunning transformations that are possible with a BHeart® BBL at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery by calling today to schedule your private consultation with West Hills, CA board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Brian Hwang.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.