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How Natural Will Your BHeart® Brazilian Butt Lift Results Look?

By: Dr. Brian Hwang


Just because you'd like to make noticeable enhancements to your buttocks doesn't mean you necessarily want an artificial look — but, fortunately, you don't have to choose one or the other. At Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Brian Hwang performs the exclusive BHeart® Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to help patients achieve noticeable and natural curves they can feel confident about. Here, we'll take a closer look at what to expect during a BHeart® BBL, including where the donor fat is taken from, how the fat transfer is performed, and what techniques are used to ensure a stunning, natural, full new look.

What happens during BBL surgery?

BBL is a combination liposuction plus fat transfer procedure that is designed to augment the backside using natural fat taken from another area of the patient's body. Compared to fillers or butt implants, BBL surgery offers a more compelling solution for patients interested in a natural look and feel, along with the potential for lasting results. During a BBL, Dr. Hwang first extracts healthy fat cells from elsewhere on the patient's body — like the abdomen or flanks. By choosing a strategic location for fat removal, Dr. Hwang can help to further accentuate the curves of the buttocks after the fat transfer. Once the fat cells have been adequately prepared, Dr. Hwang injects them into various locations in the buttocks to produce natural-looking curves and proportions.

Will my butt look fake after a BBL?

When performed by a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Hwang, the results of BBL surgery can be strikingly natural, though still noticeable. With each BHeart® BBL, Dr. Hwang uses a strategic and precise distribution with the fat transfer to create curves and fullness in areas that mimic the natural distribution of fat while also taking into account the patient's desired final butt shape. Additionally, Dr. Hwang can emphasize a more snatched waist and full butt by strategically sculpting the abdomen, hips, and flanks with liposuction. Prior to your BBL surgery, Dr. Hwang will listen closely to your specific concerns and ideal outcome. For patients who are primarily interested in a subtle size increase that still looks very natural, Dr. Hwang may utilize a slightly different technique or volume of fat compared with patients who prefer a more dramatic size increase. In either case, however, Dr. Hwang takes great care to ensure the patient's newly enhanced curves are smooth and natural.

Am I a good candidate for BBL surgery?

Patients considering a BHeart® BBL must have enough excess fat elsewhere on the body to be used during the fat transfer. Additionally, candidates should be:

  • In good overall health
  • At a healthy, stable weight
  • Committed to maintaining a stable weight after surgery to avoid unwanted changes to their BBL results

To determine if you may qualify for BHeart® BBL surgery, schedule a consultation today.

Fall in love with your butt again with BHeart® BBL surgery in West Hills, CA

Whether your butt has lost some of its natural curves over time or you've always been self-conscious about a naturally flat butt, the BHeart® BBL may be the transformative procedure that can finally help you feel as confident and as sexy as you deserve. To learn more about the exciting benefits of BHeart® BBL surgery, call Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery to schedule a private consultation with West Hills, CA board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Brian Hwang today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.