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How Long Can BHeart® Brazilian Butt Lift Results Last with Proper Care?

By: Dr. Brian Hwang


The BHeart® Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a transformative procedure used by Dr. Brian Hwang to enhance the natural curves of his patients at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA. If you're considering this popular treatment, you're likely wondering, "How long does BBL last?" Understanding the longevity of BBL results is a vital factor in your decision-making process. So, let's delve into what you can anticipate regarding the duration and quality of your BBL results.

How does a BHeart Brazilian butt lift work?

The BHeart Brazilian butt lift is a specialized procedure that uses your body's own fat to enhance the shape and size of your buttocks. Here's a quick overview of the process:

  • Fat is harvested from other body parts, usually the abdomen or thighs
  • The collected fat is purified and prepared for transfer
  • The purified fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks to create a fuller, more lifted appearance

How long does a typical BHeart BBL last?

If properly cared for, the BHeart BBL can typically last several years. Approximately 60 – 80% of the transferred fat usually integrates into its new location. With proper care and maintenance, some patients even experience long-term results. It is essential to consult with your surgeon for a tailored approach to maintaining your specific BBL results.

What is the proper care to ensure long-lasting BBL results?

Proper post-operative care is crucial for ensuring the longevity of your BHeart Brazilian butt lift results. A well-crafted care regimen can make all the difference in how well your new curves settle and last. Here are some important components of proper post-op care:

  • Compression garments: Wearing these as your surgeon advises reduces swelling and helps shape the buttocks.
  • Avoid sitting directly: For the first few weeks post-surgery, avoid putting direct pressure on your buttocks. Use a donut pillow or lie on your stomach instead.
  • Regular check-ups: Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your healing process and make any necessary adjustments to your care regimen.
  • Hydration and nutrition: Consuming plenty of fluids and eating a balanced diet aids your recovery and the integration of the transferred fat.
  • Physical activity: Resume exercise as advised by your surgeon. Initially, focus on light activities like walking to improve circulation.

By diligently following these post-op care instructions, you are setting yourself up for optimal BBL results that can stand the test of time.

How can I make the results of BBL last even longer?

The longevity of your BBL results doesn't solely depend on the surgical procedure and recovery; it's also about how well you maintain them. Here are some tips to ensure your BBL results last as long as possible:

  • Maintain a stable weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Consume a healthy diet
  • Follow post-op instructions

By implementing these strategies into your routine, you can maximize the longevity of your BHeart Brazilian butt lift and enjoy your new curves for years to come.

Enhance your curves in West Hills, CA

If you're intrigued by the prospect of long-lasting, natural-looking results, then it's time to take the next step. Schedule a consultation at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA, to discuss your options for a BHeart Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Brian Hwang and our dedicated team are here to guide you through every step of the process, from consultation to post-op care, to ensure your results are both stunning and long-lasting.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.