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Five Things to Avoid After Breast Augmentation

By: Dr. Brian Hwang


Breast augmentation is a remarkable surgery that can boost self-esteem and offers women the confidence to live life to the fullest. It is a complex procedure that requires ample recovery time, patience, and dedication. The recovery period plays a pivotal role in determining the ultimate success of the surgery. Join us in this blog as we delve into the critical things to avoid after breast augmentation, conducted by the skilled hands of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Hwang at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA.

How long is recovery after breast augmentation?

Recovery time after breast augmentation varies from patient to patient and depends on several factors, including the type of breast implants used, the size of the implants, the surgical technique used, and the overall health of the patient. However, most patients can expect to return to normal activities within 4 – 6 weeks after the surgery. It is important to follow Dr. Hwang's post-operative instructions carefully and avoid certain activities that could prolong your recovery time.

Five things to avoid after breast augmentation

1. Strenuous activities

It is best to avoid any strenuous activities that may put pressure on your chest. This includes any exercises that require you to use your chest muscles. Other strenuous activities like lifting heavy objects, running, and weight lifting can increase the risk of bleeding and can delay the healing process.

2. Sleeping on your stomach

After breast augmentation surgery, refrain from sleeping on your stomach. When in this position, pressure is put on the chest, which may affect the healing process. Sleeping on your back or your side is advised for the first few weeks after the surgery.

3. Swimming and hot tubs

You should avoid swimming and hot tubs for the first few weeks after the surgery. The water can introduce bacteria into the surgical incisions and increase the risk of infection. You should also avoid taking baths until your incisions have completely healed.

4. Underwire bras

It's best not to wear underwire bras for the first few weeks after the surgery. The underwire can put pressure on the incisions and affect the healing process. Instead, you should wear a soft, supportive bra that does not have an underwire.

5. Smoking

For at least two weeks before and after the procedure, smoking should be avoided. Smoking might delay recovery and increase the chance of complications. Smoking can also elongate the healing time, raise the risk of infection, and affect the final results of the surgery.

Take care, and enjoy your beautiful new look!

Breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure that requires a significant amount of recovery time. It is important to follow the instructions provided by Dr. Hwang to ensure a successful outcome. If you have any questions or concerns about breast augmentation, contact us at Brian Hwang, MD, Plastic Surgery in West Hills, CA.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.